Academic Senate Committees and Task Forces, 2024-2025

Faculty Fund for Advanced Studies (FFAS)

(8-10 Contract Faculty)

The Faculty Fund for Advanced Studies Task Force solicits funds in support of contract faculty professional development opportunities; works with the SRJC Foundation to oversee the stewardship of FFAS funds and their distribution; solicits applications by contract faculty members in support of professional development; screens applicants and selects grant winners; and organizes and hosts the annual Soupfest Awards Event.

Lauralyn Larsen

Gina Lord

Danielle King

Christine McLarty

Sara Stallard

Dolph Rehkop

Nancy Persons

Jill Harrison

Araceli Osorio


Faculty Professional Development Committee

(6 members - 4 Academic Senate + 1 AFA + 1 AFA Adjunct)

The Faculty Professional Development Committee is responsible for determining the professional development needs of the faculty, setting goals, and evaluating progress toward those goals; oversees all professional development for the faculty, including the Flexible Calendar; coordinates its work with the staff development activities of other groups in the College through the Professional Development Committee; maintains close communication with and receives guidance from the Senate; consults with the bargaining agent when appropriate.

Jill Harrison

Ann Foster

Jessica Harris

Alexa Forrester

Faculty Recognition Task Force

(No limit)

The Faculty Recognition Task Force strives to ensure that there is meaningful public recognition for outstanding work done by individual faculty members or by programs for which the faculty is responsible; keeps track of the annual awards given to faculty members by local, state, and national groups, and develops a timely process for nominating SRJC faculty members and programs for these awards; advocates, as appropriate, for faculty recognition by SRJC and State and/or Federal Organizations; and, with support from the Academic Senate Office, organizes and hosts the annual Faculty Recognition Awards Event.

Scott Meehl

Ameya Bela

Kruti Darji

Gina Lord

Jill Tarver

Holly Vettori

Luz Navarrette




Program Review, Evaluation, Revitalization, and Discontinuance

(6 members)

The Program Review, Evaluation, Revitalization, and Discontinuance Committee evaluates certificates or majors in the six-year rotation using the rubric information, District-compiled data, PRPP documents, and consideration of the recommendations made by the Academic Affairs Council; and makes recommendations to the Vice President of Academic Affairs.

John Stover, by position

Katie Seder

Jesus Nieto

Filomena Avila

