This Academic Senate is created to secure the professional rights and to carry out the responsibilities of the faculty of the Sonoma County Junior College District. The faculty have the traditional right of college faculty to participate in the governance of the college. As specialists in specific disciplines and as experienced instructors, the participation of the faculty in the governance of the college is essential for the district’s pursuit of its mission. As professionals, the faculty have the right and a duty to set professional and ethical standards for the conduct of their profession and to promote the excellence of their profession. In order to achieve these ends and in accordance with Title 5 of the California Administrative Code, Subchapter 2, Sections 53200-53205, this Academic Senate is established.

To see previous years' meeting materials, click here, or view the archives.

SRJC's Land Acknowledgement Statement:

We acknowledge that we gather at Santa Rosa Junior College on the territorial traditional land of the Pomo People in Santa Rosa and the Coast Miwok People in Petaluma, past and present, and honor with gratitude the land itself and the people who have stewarded it throughout the generations.

Academic Senate's Open Forum:

Not to exceed 3 min. per person and 10 min. per topic. Time may be extended by the President or by approval of two-thirds of Senators present. To be added to the queue for Open Forum, please send an email to the office of the Academic Senate at, and in your email please include your name, your department, and the topic to which you wish to speak. Options for delivering your public comment include making your own statement or asking a colleague to read your statement when recognized, or emailing your statement in advance to be read at the meeting by the Administrative Assistant.

Academic Year 2024-2025


Wednesday, September 18, 2024



CALL TO ORDER  3:15 p.m.


We acknowledge that we gather at Santa Rosa Junior College on the territorial traditional land of the Pomo People in Santa Rosa and the Coast Miwok People in Petaluma, past and present, and honor with gratitude the land itself and the people who have stewarded it throughout the generations.

OPEN FORUM: Not to exceed 3 min. per person and 10 min. per topic. Time may be extended by the President or by approval of two-thirds of Senators present. To be added to the queue for Open Forum, please fill out the Open Forum Form and submit it to the Academic Senate Administrative Assistant before the meeting. Options for delivering your public comment include making your own statement or asking a colleague to read your statement when recognized or emailing your statement in advance to Academic Senate to be read by the Executive Secretary.

MINUTES (3:20 – 3:25): Correction/Adoption.

Minutes of September 4, 2024

ADJUSTMENTS TO THE AGENDA: Any senator may move any Consent item to the Action agenda to allow for discussion.

REPORTS (3:25 – 3:50):

  1. President’s Report (5 min) – J. Stover
  2. Accreditation Report (10 min) – J. Smotherman
  3.  Guided Pathways Update (10 min) – M. Long / N. Perrone

CONSENT  Treated collectively as one Action item. Any senator may move any Consent item to the Action agenda to allow for discussion.


ACTION (3:50 – 4:20): Items must come from the Discussion agenda of a previous meeting or be carried over from a previous Action agenda.

  1. Waitlist Workgroup Proposals (20 min)

In the fall, the Academic Senate called for a workgroup to take up anew the question of SRJC waitlist practices that originally took place in 2019. The workgroup has developed a set of recommendations for both current waitlist practices and following the implementation of the new student information system, Banner. Senators are asked to consider again approval of the recommendations of the taskforce.

  1. Consideration of Senate Taskforce for Area Realignment/Reapportionment (10 min)

Article VIII, Section 5 of the Academic Senate Bylaws state, “Representation will be reviewed every five years by the Senate for apportionment reconsideration.” Does the Academic Senate wish to establish a task force of Senators to develop apportionment reconsideration proposals for the body to review before the end of the Fall 2024 semester?

BREAK (4:20 – 4:25)

DISCUSSION (4:25 – 4:45):

  1. Consideration of Faculty Resolution for Senate Action on Generative Artificial Intelligence (GenAI) (10 min) A “Resolution on the Ethical Integration of Generative Artificial Intelligence (GenAI) in Education” has been brought forward by English Faculty Member Dr. Purnur Ozbirinci. The resolution under consideration presents three Discussion Topics (Resolutions 2, 3, & 4) for the Academic Senate to take up if we so choose. Does the Academic Senate wish to consider this resolution for adoption? [Second discussion]
  2. Consideration of Senate Taskforce on Generative Artificial Intelligence (GenAI) (10 min.)

Does the Academic Senate wish to establish a task force of faculty to develop a set of recommendations for policies and procedures concerning Generative Artificial Intelligence (GenAI) tools (writ large) before the end of the Fall 2024 semester? [First discussion]

INFORMATION (4:45 – 5:00)

SRJC Local General Education Updates – T. Jacobson, M. Ohkubo, N. Perrone

SRJC Local General Education Updates: Title 5, Mandated Alignments, and Areas of Local Decision Making

ADJOURNMENT  5:00 p.m.


Wednesday, September 4, 2024




CALL TO ORDER  3:15 p.m.


We acknowledge that we gather at Santa Rosa Junior College on the territorial traditional land of the Pomo People in Santa Rosa and the Coast Miwok People in Petaluma, past and present, and honor with gratitude the land itself and the people who have stewarded it throughout the generations. 

OPEN FORUM (3:20-3:30): Not to exceed 3 min. per person and 10 min. per topic. Time may be extended by the President or by approval of two-thirds of Senators present. To be added to the queue for Open Forum, please fill out the Open Forum Form and submit it to the Academic Senate Administrative Assistant before the meeting. Options for delivering your public comment include making your own statement or asking a colleague to read your statement when recognized or emailing your statement in advance to Academic Senate to be read by the Executive Secretary. 

MINUTES (3:30-3:35): Correction/Adoption. 

Minutes of August 21, 2024

ADJUSTMENTS TO THE AGENDA: Any senator may move any Consent item to the Action agenda to allow for discussion. 

REPORTS (3:35-3:40) 

President’s Report – J. Stover, 5 min. 

CONSENT: Treated collectively as one Action item. Any senator may move any Consent item to the Action agenda to allow for discussion. 


ACTION: Items must come from the Discussion agenda of a previous meeting or be carried over from a previous Action agenda. 


DISCUSSION (3:40-4:40) 

     1. Waitlist Workgroup Proposal – N. Persons, 15 min

In the fall, the Academic Senate called for a workgroup to take up anew the question of SRJC waitlist practices that originally took place in 2019. The workgroup has developed a set of recommendations for both current waitlist practices and following the implementation of the new student information system, Banner. Senators are asked to consider again approval of the recommendations of the taskforce. [Third discussion, previously discussed with no action May 15th and August 21st, 2024.]

Waitlist Workgroup Proposal 

Waitlist Workgroup Proposal Waitlist Draft FAQ for Students 

BREAK (3:55-4:00) 

     2. Consideration of Faculty Resolution for Senate Action on Generative Artificial Intelligence (GenAI) – 25 min.

A “Resolution on the Ethical Integration of Generative Artificial Intelligence (GenAI) in Education” has been brought forward by English Faculty Member Dr. Purnur Ozbirinci. Dr. Ozbirinci sought assistance with the language of the resolution from the Academic Senate Executive Committee and others, and the resolution under consideration presents three Discussion Topics (Resolutions 2, 3, & 4) for the Academic Senate to take up if we so choose. Dr. Ozbirinci will share her process with us (3-5 minutes) to help frame our discussion. Does the Academic Senate wish to consider this resolution for adoption? [First discussion.]

     3. Consideration of Senate Taskforce for Area Realignment/Reapportionment – 15 min.

Article VIII, Section 5 of the Academic Senate Bylaws state “Representation will be reviewed every five years by the Senate for apportionment reconsideration.”  Does the Academic Senate wish to establish a task force of Senators to develop apportionment reconsideration proposals for the body to review before the end of the Fall 2024 semester? [First  discussion.]

INFORMATION (4:40-5:00)  

SRJC Local General Education Updates – J. Stover, K. Blackwell, A. Foster, 20 min. 

SRJC Local General Education Updates: Title 5, Mandated Alignments, and Areas of Local Decision Making 

ADJOURNMENT  5:00 p.m. 


Wednesday, August 21, 2024



CALL TO ODER  3:15 p.m.


We acknowledge that we gather at Santa Rosa Junior College on the territorial traditional land of the Pomo People in Santa Rosa and the Coast Miwok People in Petaluma, past and present, and honor with gratitude the land itself and the people who have stewarded it throughout the generations. 

OPEN FORUM: Not to exceed 3 min. per person and 10 min. per topic. Time may be extended by the President or by approval of two-thirds of Senators present. To be added to the queue for Open Forum, please fill out the Open Forum Form and submit it to the Academic Senate Administrative Assistant before the meeting. Options for delivering your public comment include making your own statement or asking a colleague to read your statement when recognized or emailing your statement in advance to Academic Senate to be read by the Executive Secretary. 

MINUTES (3:25-3:35): Correction/Adoption. 

  1. Minutes of May 1, 2024 

  1. Minutes of May 15, 2024 

ADJUSTMENTS TO THE AGENDA: Any senator may move any Consent item to the Action agenda to allow for discussion. 

REPORTS (3:35-3:40) 

President’s Report – J. Stover, 5 min. 

CONSENT (3:40-3:50): Treated collectively as one Action item. Any senator may move any Consent item to the Action agenda to allow for discussion. 

Strategic Plan Strategy 1 Goal 1 Objective  

ACTION: Items must come from the Discussion agenda of a previous meeting or be carried over from a previous Action agenda. 

DISCUSSION (3:50-4:30) 

  1. New Faculty Orientation Plan (Was NFPL) - A. Foster, A. Forrester, 20 min.  

What are the recommendations of the Academic Senate in continuing review of the New Faculty Orientation Plan? 

New Faculty Orientation Plan 

Draft New Faculty Professional Learning Fall 2024 

  1. Waitlist Workgroup – N. Persons, 20 min 

In the fall, the Academic Senate called for a workgroup to take up anew the question of SRJC waitlist practices that originally took place in 2019. The workgroup has developed a set of recommendations for both current waitlist practices and following the implementation of the new student information system, Banner. Senators are asked to consider again approval of the recommendations of the taskforce. 

Waitlist Workgroup Proposal 

Waitlist Workgroup Proposal Waitlist Draft FAQ for Students 

BREAK (4:30-4:35) 

INFORMATION (4:35-5:00)  

SRJC Local General Education Updates: Title 5, Mandated Alignments, and Areas of Local Decision Making – K. Blackwell, A. Foster, 25 min. 

The AB 928 legislation implemented in recent years requires all California Community Colleges to bring their own local GE patterns into alignment with those of the AB928-legislated Cal-GETC single General Education pathway. This information item will introduce the topic and provide background and context for a series of important discussion and action items the Academic Senate will need to act on quickly in the Fall 2024 semester to meet important curricular deadlines. 

SRJC Local General Education Updates: Title 5, Mandated Alignments, and Areas of Local Decision Making 

ADJOURNMENT  5:00 p.m.