New Faculty Mentor: PGI

What do I have to do to get PGI?

In order to get PGI you need to have documentation of your participation. In this case the documentation will include a letter of appointment, a tracking sheet, and a letter of thanks that will be provided to you by the Academic Senate Administrative Assistant. You will receive all of these documents via email. Your letter of appointment will introduce you to your mentee. Once you complete your tracking sheet you will submit a copy of it to the Academic Senate Administrative Assistant and will be provided with a personalized letter of thanks. For more information on PGI requirements refer to Article 21 of the contract:

How are the PGI units calculated for this program?

In a meeting of the PGI committee, it was decided that for the 10 required monthly meetings and the 4 required social events, mentors would receive 1.0 unit. Additional credit, up to a maximum of 2 units, can be earned through additional mentor meetings. In order to earn this additional credit, mentors will need to submit documentation of dates, times, and activities at these additional meetings. The PGI committee will then determine the additional credit earned.