Practices and Guidelines for Forming Academic Senate Work Groups


The ASEC has heard from Senators a desire to streamline the process for the creation of Senate work groups. In an effort to do so, the ASEC developed the draft guidelines below. These guidelines are based on:

•    Current practices
•    Past motions
•    Past Senate discussions

Be advised, this is a draft document. Input and suggested changes are welcome and expected. 
While not part of the Senate’s bylaws or constitution, it is the intention that once guidelines are approved by the Senate, such guidelines will be hosted on the Senate website and shared with the Senate body when it is anticipated that action on an agenda item may include the formation of a work group. At any time, the Senate can revisit and revise the guidelines. Having guidelines in place will also support the Academic Senate Executive Committee as new members join and there are changes in leadership. 

Practices and Guidelines for Forming Academic Senate Work Groups 

Work groups are a small group of Senators and/or constituents who come together to complete a discrete task or fulfill a charge as determined by the Senate body. Work groups are not committees and do not exist in perpetuity. 
When the Senate has determined a need for a work group, identified its overall charge, and any other salient components, the Academic Senate Executive Committee (ASEC) will issue a call to faculty to solicit interest for participation. 
Work group calls for participation will include: 

•    Work group charge
•    Any products or outcomes the work group is expected to produce
•    Timeline to complete charge
•    Expectations for reporting back to the Senate/soliciting Senate input
•    Membership

When developing the call for participation, the ASEC will consider and address the following:

Academic Senate Input

  • The ASEC will address content from Senate discussions and motions, specific to the formation of a work group, to ensure the will of the Senate is reflected.


  • The ASEC will identify necessary expertise to address the work group charge and invite appropriate stakeholders and/or disciplines to participate. Work groups may find a need to include and collaborate with other college community members. This is permissible and at the discretion of the work group.


  • Work groups will be sized appropriate to the scope of the work group’s charge.


  • Effort will be made to ensure broad representation from District sites, disciplines and instructional designations.


  • The ASEC will work to ensure work groups include a diversity of lived experiences and have representation from historically marginalized or underrepresented populations.


  • Time needed to complete assigned tasks
  • Deadlines at the local or state level that may inform the work

If a faculty chair is required, the ASEC will assign a member of the EC to chair the work group, or the work group will select its own chair.