Wednesday, May 15, 2024
CALL TO ORDER, 3:15 p.m.
We acknowledge that we gather at Santa Rosa Junior College on the territorial traditional land of the Pomo People in Santa Rosa and the Coast Miwok People in Petaluma, past and present, and honor with gratitude the land itself and the people who have stewarded it throughout the generations.
OPEN FORUM: Not to exceed 3 min. per person and 10 min. per topic. Time may be extended by the President or by approval of two-thirds of Senators present. To be added to the queue for Open Forum, please fill out the Open Forum Form and submit it to the Academic Senate's Administrative Assistant before the meeting. Options for delivering your public comment include making your own statement or asking a colleague to read your statement when recognized, or emailing your statement in advance to Academic Senate to be read by the Administrative Assistant.
MINUTES (3:25-3:30)
REPORTS (3:30 – 3:35):
President's Report - N. Persons, 5 min
CONSENT (3:35 - 3:40) Treated collectively as one Action item. Any senator may move any Consent item to the Action agenda to allow for discussion.
- Change in Status of 3 Senate Subcommittees to Task Forces
- Academic Senate Meeting Calendar for AY 2024-25
ACTION: (3:40 - 4:20) Items must come from the Discussion agenda of a previous meeting or be carried over from a previous Action agenda.
DISCUSSION (3:40 - 4:30)
- New Faculty Orientation Plan (was NFLP) - A. Foster, A. Forrester, 15 min.
Review Orientation Program draft from PD Coordinators
Draft New Faculty Professional Learning Fall 2024
State of Academic Affairs - R. Holcomb, 10 min.
Senators should review in advance and come prepared with any questions. Dr. Holcomb will not give full presentation.
Presentation on Academic Affairs
Academic Affairs Budgetary Reductions 2022-23
BREAK (4:10 - 4:15) - Take photo of full Academic Senate at break.
3. Waitlist Workgroup– N. Persons, 15 min.
In the fall, the Academic Senate called for a workgroup to take up anew the question of SRJC waitlist practices that originally took place in 2019. The workgroup has developed a set of recommendations for both current waitlist practices and following the implementation of the new student information system, Banner. Senators are asked to consider approval of the recommendations of the task force.
Waitlist Draft FAQ for Students
INFORMATION (4:30-4:50)
Preview of Cal-GETC Title 5 Changes – K. Blackwell, J. Stover, 20 min.
The AB 928 legislation implemented in recent years requires all California Community Colleges to bring their own local GE patterns into alignment with those of the AB928-legislated Cal-GETC single General Education pathway. This information item will introduce the topic and provide background and context for a series of important discussion and action items the Academic Senate will need to act on quickly in the Fall 2024 semester to meet important curricular deadlines.
Webinar Link (Passcode: ix.e*7PM)
ADJOURNMENT: 5:00 p.m.
Wednesday, May 1, 2024
CALL TO ORDER, 3:15 p.m.
We acknowledge that we gather at Santa Rosa Junior College on the territorial traditional land of the Pomo People in Santa Rosa and the Coast Miwok People in Petaluma, past and present, and honor with gratitude the land itself and the people who have stewarded it throughout the generations.
OPEN FORUM: Not to exceed 3 min. per person and 10 min. per topic. Time may be extended by the President or by approval of two-thirds of Senators present. To be added to the queue for Open Forum, please fill out the Open Forum Form and submit it to the Academic Senate's Administrative Assistant before the meeting. Options for delivering your public comment include making your own statement or asking a colleague to read your statement when recognized, or emailing your statement in advance to Academic Senate to be read by the Administrative Assistant.
MINUTES (3:20-3:25)
REPORTS (3:25 – 3:30):
President's Report - N. Persons, 5 min
CONSENT (3:35 - 3:40) Treated collectively as one Action item. Any senator may move any Consent item to the Action agenda to allow for discussion.
Proposed Updates to Curriculum Writer's Handbook
ACTION: (3:40 - 4:20) Items must come from the Discussion agenda of a previous meeting or be carried over from a previous Action agenda.
1. PDA Day Activity Questions (3 Discussions, 1st Action) - 10 min.
Should the Professional Development (PD) Coordinators approve workshop proposals that are designed specifically for members of a particular department?
Questions for Academic Senate about PDA Day
2. PDA Day Activity Questions (3 Discussions, 1st Action) - 10 min.
Should the PD Coordinators approve workshop proposals that are offered only in an online modality, and should there be a limit to the number of online-only workshops?
Questions for Academic Senate about PDA Day
BREAK (4:00 - 4:05)
3. New Faculty Learning Program Content (4th Discussion) - 15 min.
What content does the AS recommend be covered during the fall (mandatory) and spring (multiple options) semesters of professional development for new faculty? Policies for faculty professional development activities is #8 of the 10+1. In addition, Article 30.03.C.4 (in MOU of February 19, 2021, states “The NFPL program will be developed by the Academic Senate with collegial support from the faculty professional development coordinator(s) and approved by the VPAA.”
New Faculty First Year Experience 2020-21
New Faculty Learning Program Content Supporting Document
Online Special Expertise (2nd Discussion) - 20 min.
The Department Chair Council (DCC) and the District Online Committee (DOC) have both brought requests forward to the Academic Senate to make policy and procedural recommendations regarding Online Special Expertise as it relates to standards or policies regarding student preparation and success and policies for faculty professional development activities. What shall be the Academic Senate's recommendations?
DCC Request for Discussion of Online Special Expertise
Recommendation to Academic Senate from DOC
INFORMATION (4:35 - 5:00)
1. State of Academic Affairs - R. Holcomb, 10 min.
Senators should review in advance and come prepared with any questions. Dr. Holcomb will not give full presentation.
Presentation on State of Academic Affairs
2. Proposed Changes of Status to Academic Senate Subcommittees - N. Persons, 10 min.
SRJC has been advised by legal counsel that subcommittees of the Academic Senate fall under the Brown Act, unless they are more appropriately identified as task forces or removed from the Senate's responsibility. This is a proposal to change the status of some AS subcommittees and to remove one from AS reports.
Proposed Change of Status to Academic Senate Subcommittees
ADJOURNMENT, 5:00 p.m.
Wednesday, April 17, 2024
CALL TO ORDER, 3:15 p.m.
We acknowledge that we gather at Santa Rosa Junior College on the territorial traditional land of the Pomo People in Santa Rosa and the Coast Miwok People in Petaluma, past and present, and honor with gratitude the land itself and the people who have stewarded it throughout the generations.
OPEN FORUM: Not to exceed 3 min. per person and 10 min. per topic. Time may be extended by the President or by approval of two-thirds of Senators present. To be added to the queue for Open Forum, please fill out the Open Forum Form and submit it to the Academic Senate's Administrative Assistant before the meeting. Options for delivering your public comment include making your own statement or asking a colleague to read your statement when recognized, or emailing your statement in advance to Academic Senate to be read by the Administrative Assistant.
MINUTES Correction/Adoption
none. Minutes of April 3, 2024 will be brought to May 1 meeting.
REPORTS (3:20 – 3:25):
President's Report - N. Persons, 5 min
CONSENT (3:35 - 3:40) Treated collectively as one Action item. Any senator may move any Consent item to the Action agenda to allow for discussion.
- Change of Signatories (Remove N Haworth)
- BP 5050 (SSSP)
- BP5110 (Counseling)
- Work Group for Draft Professional Ethics Resolution - Faculty Civility Resolution
ACTION: (3:35 - 3:55) Items must come from the Discussion agenda of a previous meeting or be carried over from a previous Action agenda.
Peer Online Course Review (POCR) Pilot - T. Jacobson, 20 min.
Senators are asked to review this proposal and to consider whether to recommend the District employ this pilot process as described in the support document below.
BREAK (3:55 - 4:00)
DISCUSSION (4:00-4:40)
1. New Faculty Learning Program Content (2nd Discussion) - A. Foster, A. Forrester, 20 min.
What content does the AS recommend be covered during the fall (mandatory) and spring (multiple options) semesters of professional development for new faculty? Policies for faculty professional development activities is #8 of the 10+1. In addition, Article 30.03.C.4 (in MOU of February 19, 2021, states “The NFPL program will be developed by the Academic Senate with collegial support from the faculty professional development coordinator(s) and approved by the VPAA.”
New Faculty First Year Experience 2020-21
2. Online Special Expertise - A. Hampton, 20 min.
The Department Chair Council (DCC) and the District Online Committee (DOC) have both brought requests forward to the Academic Senate to make policy and procedural recommendations regarding Online Special Expertise as it relates to standards or policies regarding student preparation and success and policies for faculty professional development activities. What shall be the Academic Senate's recommendations?
DCC Request for Discussion of Online Special Expertise
Recommendation to Academic Senate from DOC
Curriculum Writer's Handbook Proposed Updates - A. Foster, 20 min.
The Curriculum Review Committee (CRC) has developed proposed updates to the Curriculum Writer's Handbook. These updates need to be approved by the Academic Senate. Following this information item, the proposed updates will be included on the next Academic Senate meeting agenda as a Consent Item. Senators have the ability to request items be pulled from Consent for consideration as Action Items.
Proposed Updates to Curriculum Writer's Handbook
Curriculum Writer's Handbook (for reference, not required reading)
ADJOURNMENT: 5:00 p.m.
Friday, April 12, 2024 (11:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.)
Scenarios for Discussion with Solutions
Wednesday, April 3rd, 2024
CALL TO ORDER, 3:15 p.m.
We acknowledge that we gather at Santa Rosa Junior College on the territorial traditional land of the Pomo People in Santa Rosa and the Coast Miwok People in Petaluma, past and present, and honor with gratitude the land itself and the people who have stewarded it throughout the generations.
OPEN FORUM: Not to exceed 3 min. per person and 10 min. per topic. Time may be extended by the President or by approval of two-thirds of Senators present. To be added to the queue for Open Forum, please fill out the Open Forum Form and submit it to the Academic Senate's Administrative Assistant before the meeting. Options for delivering your public comment include making your own statement or asking a colleague to read your statement when recognized, or emailing your statement in advance to Academic Senate to be read by the Administrative Assistant.
MINUTES (3:20 - 3:30) Correction/Adoption
ADJUSTMENTS TO THE AGENDA: Any senator may move any Consent item to the Action agenda to allow for discussion.
REPORTS (3:30 – 3:35):
1. President's Report - N. Persons, 5 min
CONSENT (3:35 - 3:40) Treated collectively as one Action item. Any senator may move any Consent item to the Action agenda to allow for discussion.
- Change of Signatories, Exchange Bank Accounts to add Elisa Clement effective April 4, 2024
- Academic Senate Constitution
ACTION: (3:40 - 3:55) Items must come from the Discussion agenda of a previous meeting or be carried over from a previous Action agenda.
Faculty Professional Ethics Committee (3rd Discussion, 1st Action) - 15 min.
What shall be the formal recommendation of the Academic Senate regarding the disposition of this subcommittee?
BREAK (3:55 - 4:00)
DISCUSSION (4:00-5:00)
1. PDA Day Activity Questions (3rd Discussion) - A. Foster, A. Forrester, 15 min.
On behalf of the District Professional Development Committee, our Faculty Professional Development Coordinators have asked the Academic Senate to provide input regarding current and proposed practices for PDA Day activities and request our input now regarding whether to continue with current practices or change them. Senators should review the support document below and are asked to make recommendations regarding the following:
- Should the Professional Development (PD) Coordinators approve workshop proposals that are designed specifically for members of a particular department?
- Should the PD Coordinators approve workshop proposals that are offered only in an online modality, and should there be a limit to the number of online-only workshops?
- What should be the priorities of PDA Day programming for faculty?
Questions for Academic Senate about PDA Day
2. New Faculty Learning Program Content (2nd Discussion) - A. Foster, A. Forrester, 20 min.
What content does the AS recommend be covered during the fall (mandatory) and spring (multiple options) semesters of professional development for new faculty? Policies for faculty professional development activities is #8 of the 10+1. In addition, Article 30.03.C.4 (in MOU of February 19, 2021, states “The NFPL program will be developed by the Academic Senate with collegial support from the faculty professional development coordinator(s) and approved by the VPAA.”
3. Peer Online Course Review (POCR) Proposal - T. Jacobson, 25 min.
Senators are asked to review the proposal for a local Peer Online Course Review (POCR) Pilot Process and to consider whether to recommend the District employ this pilot process as described in the support document below.
Local Peer Online Course Review (POCR) Pilot Process
ADJOURNMENT: 5:00 p.m.
Wednesday, March 6, 2024
CALL TO ORDER, 3:15 p.m.
We acknowledge that we gather at Santa Rosa Junior College on the territorial traditional land of the Pomo People in Santa Rosa and the Coast Miwok People in Petaluma, past and present, and honor with gratitude the land itself and the people who have stewarded it throughout the generations.
OPEN FORUM: Not to exceed 3 min. per person and 10 min. per topic. Time may be extended by the President or by approval of two-thirds of Senators present. To be added to the queue for Open Forum, please fill out the Open Forum Form and submit it to the Academic Senate's Administrative Assistant before the meeting. Options for delivering your public comment include making your own statement or asking a colleague to read your statement when recognized, or emailing your statement in advance to Academic Senate to be read by the Administrative Assistant.
MINUTES (3:20-3:25): Correction/Adoption
Draft Minutes of February 21, 2024
ADJUSTMENTS TO THE AGENDA: Any senator may move any Consent item to the Action agenda to allow for discussion.
REPORTS (3:25 – 3:40):
1. President's Report - N. Persons, 5 min.
2. Curriculum Review Committee - A. Foster, 5 min.
3. VP of Student Services Welcome - M. Senecal, 5 min.
CONSENT Treated collectively as one Action item. Any senator may move any Consent item to the Action agenda to allow for discussion.
ACTION: (3:40-4:15) Items must come from the Discussion agenda of a previous meeting or be carried over from a previous Action agenda.
- Resolution in Support of Trans Students (4th discussion, 3rd Action discussion) – J. Espinoza, 15 min.
Senators are asked to consider whether to take action to approve this resolution in support of transgender students.
QRC Resolution in Support of Trans Students v.2
California Community College Athletic Association Constitution and Bylaws (see section 1.11: Participation by Gender)
Compilation of Transgender Terminology – Support document to aid senators in use of appropriate terminology
BREAK 5 min. (3:55-4:00)
2. Annual Professional Development Funding for Faculty Discipline Expertise (2nd discussion, 1st Action Discussion) – A. Atilgan Relyea and N. Slovak, 15 min.
Senators are asked to consider supporting a resolution advocating for establishment of a process for District provision of regular funding for faculty professional development in their area of discipline expertise.
DISCUSSION (4:15-5:00)
1. Faculty Professional Ethics Committee (3rd discussion) - 15 min.
On May 17, 2023, the Academic Senate voted to approve all revisions to the Bylaws. During this revision, the body elected to remove the Faculty Professional Ethics Committee from the list of Senate subcommittees. What shall be the recommendation of the Academic Senate regarding the disposition of this subcommittee?
2. PDA Day Activity Questions (2nd discussion) - A. Foster, A. Forrester, 15 min.
On behalf of the District Professional Development Committee, our Faculty Professional Development Coordinators have asked the Academic Senate to provide input regarding whether to include department meetings as an optional activity on Professional Development Activity days. Senators are asked to make recommendations regarding the following:
- Should the Professional Development (PD) Coordinators approve workshop proposals that are designed specifically for members of a particular department?
- Should the PD Coordinators approve workshop proposals that are offered only in an online modality, and should there be a limit to the number of online-only workshops?
- What should be the priorities of PDA Day programming for faculty?
Questions for Academic Senate about PDA Day
3. New Faculty Learning Program Content (First discussion) - A. Foster, A. Forrester, 15 min.
Policies for faculty professional development activities is #8 of the 10+1. In addition, Article 30.03.C.4 (in MOU of February 19, 2021, states “The NFPL program will be developed by the Academic Senate with collegial support from the faculty professional development coordinator(s) and approved by the VPAA.” What content does the AS recommend be covered during the fall (mandatory) and spring (multiple options) semesters of professional development for new faculty?
ADJOURNMENT: 5:00 p.m.
Wednesday, February 21, 2024
CALL TO ORDER, 3:15 p.m.
We acknowledge that we gather at Santa Rosa Junior College on the territorial traditional land of the Pomo People in Santa Rosa and the Coast Miwok People in Petaluma, past and present, and honor with gratitude the land itself and the people who have stewarded it throughout the generations.
OPEN FORUM: Not to exceed 3 min. per person and 10 min. per topic. Time may be extended by the President or by approval of two-thirds of Senators present. To be added to the queue for Open Forum, please fill out the Open Forum Form and submit it to the Academic Senate's Administrative Assistant before the meeting. Options for delivering your public comment include making your own statement or asking a colleague to read your statement when recognized, or emailing your statement in advance to Academic Senate to be read by the Administrative Assistant.
MINUTES (3:20-3:25): Correction/Adoption
Draft Minutes of February 7, 2024
ADJUSTMENTS TO THE AGENDA: Any senator may move any Consent item to the Action agenda to allow for discussion.
REPORTS (3:25 – 3:30):
1. President's Report - N. Persons, 5 min.
CONSENT Treated collectively as one Action item. Any senator may move any Consent item to the Action agenda to allow for discussion.
ACTION: (3:35-4:20) Items must come from the Discussion agenda of a previous meeting or be carried over from a previous Action agenda.
1. Strategic Plan Objective to Strategy 1 Goal (5th discussion, 2nd Action discussion) - 10 min.
At its meeting of May 17, the Academic Senate voted to recommend a revision of Strategic Plan Objective 1 to the Strategy 1 Goal, which was rejected by the District. Shall the Academic Senate recommend the District bring a new proposal back to the Senate, or shall the Academic Senate choose to take no further action?
Minutes of May 17, 2023 (see Action Item 2, which begins mid-page 3
Dr. Chong email response May 22, 2023
2. Resolution in Support of Trans Students (3rd discussion, 2nd Action discussion) - S. Avasthi, 15 min.
At its meeting of December 6, 2023, Senator Avasthi read a draft resolution in support of SRJC trans students. We will debate this resolution using pro/con mics. Senators are asked to consider whether to take action to approve this resolution.
Resolution in Support of Trans Students v.4
Campus Pride Index Report SRJC 2016
California Community College Athletic Association Constitution and Bylaws (see section 1.11)
BREAK 5 min. (3:55-4:00)
3. Task Force Standard Language (3rd Discussion, 1st Action Discussion) - 10 min.
The Academic Senate has been making effective use of workgroups (task forces) to bring draft proposals to the body. During discussions, time has routinely been needed to determine guidelines for size, membership, and selection. Senators are asked to consider the draft guidelines below and whether some version of this could be used regularly when formation of workgroups is called for.
Draft Workgroup Guidelines v.4
DISCUSSION (4:10-5:00)
1. Annual Professional Development Funding for Faculty Discipline Expertise - A. Atilgan Relyea and N. Slovak, 20 min.
Senators are asked to consider supporting a resolution advocating for establishment of a process for District provision of regular funding for faculty professional development in their area of discipline expertise.
2. Faculty Professional Ethics Committee - 15 min.
On May 17, 2023, the Academic Senate voted to approve all revisions to the Bylaws. During this revision, the body elected to remove the Faculty Professional Ethics Committee from the list of Senate subcommittees. What shall be the recommendation of the Academic Senate regarding the disposition of this subcommittee?
3. Inclusion of Department Meetings as PDA Day Activity - A. Foster, A. Forrester, 15 min.
On behalf of the District Professional Development Committee, our Faculty Professional Development Coordinators have asked the Academic Senate to provide input regarding whether to include department meetings as an optional activity on Professional Development Activity days. what shall be the recommendation of the Academic Senate?
Questions for Academic Senate about PDA Day
ADJOURNMENT: 5:00 p.m.
Wednesday, February 7, 2024
ZOOM RECORDING (Due to technical difficulties, recording actually begins 4 minutes into the video)
CALL TO ORDER, 3:15 p.m.
We acknowledge that we gather at Santa Rosa Junior College on the territorial traditional land of the Pomo People in Santa Rosa and the Coast Miwok People in Petaluma, past and present, and honor with gratitude the land itself and the people who have stewarded it throughout the generations.
OPEN FORUM: Not to exceed 3 min. per person and 10 min. per topic. Time may be extended by the President or by approval of two-thirds of Senators present. To be added to the queue for Open Forum, please fill out the Open Forum Form and submit it to the Academic Senate's Administrative Assistant before the meeting. Options for delivering your public comment include making your own statement or asking a colleague to read your statement when recognized, or emailing your statement in advance to Academic Senate to be read by the Administrative Assistant.
MINUTES (3:20-3:25): Correction/Adoption
Draft minutes of January 17, 2024
ADJUSTMENTS TO THE AGENDA: Any senator may move any Consent item to the Action agenda to allow for discussion.
REPORTS (3:25 – 3:35):
1. President's Report - N. Persons, 5 min.
2. Strategic Enrollment Plan Report - R. Holcomb, 5 min.
CONSENT Treated collectively as one Action item. Any senator may move any Consent item to the Action agenda to allow for discussion.
ACTION: (3:35-4:20) Items must come from the Discussion agenda of a previous meeting or be carried over from a previous Action agenda.
1. Strategic Plan Objective to Strategy 1 Goal - 20 min.
At its meeting of May 17, 2023, the Academic Senate voted 12-11 to recommend a revision of Strategic Plan Objective 1 to the Goal and then recommended adoption of the Goals and Objectives to the Plan with this revision. The recommendation to revise the objective language was subsequently rejected outright by the District as communicated by the former Superintendent/President. However, 10+1 items of mutual consent should be worked out between the Academic Senate and the District. Senators are asked to consider whether any further action or recommendations in this regard are desired.
Minutes of May 17, 2023 (see Action Item 2, which begins mid-page 3
Dr. Chong email response May 22, 2023
BREAK 5 min. (3:55-4:00)
2. Resolution in Support of Trans Students - S. Avasthi, 15 min.
At its meeting of December 6, 2023, Senator Avasthi read a draft resolution in support of SRJC trans students. Senators are asked to consider whether to take action to approve this resolution.
Resolution in Support of Trans Students v.2
Campus Pride Index Report SRJC 2016
California Community College Athletic Association Constitution and Bylaws (see section 1.11)
DISCUSSION (4:20-5:00)
1. Task Force Standard Language - 20 min.
The Academic Senate has been making effective use of workgroups (task forces) to bring draft proposals to the body. During discussions, time has routinely been needed to determine guidelines for size, membership, and selection. Senators are asked to consider the draft guidelines below and whether some version of this could be used regularly when formation of workgroups is called for.
Draft Workgroup Guidelines v.3
2. Annual Professional Development Funding for Faculty Discipline Expertise - A. Atilgan Relyea and N. Slovak, 20 min.
Resolution in Support of Annual Professional Development Funding for Faculty Disciplinary Expertise
ADJOURNMENT: 5:00 p.m.
Friday, January 26, 2024
RETREAT: In person only, Santa Rosa Campus, Doyle Library 4th Floor Quiet Room
Responses to Spring 2024 Retreat Survey
Wednesday, Jan. 17, 2024 Academic Senate Meeting
LOCATION: 4638 Bertolini Senate Chambers (Santa Rosa) and 690 Richard Call Building (Petaluma)
CALL TO ORDER, 3:15 p.m.
We acknowledge that we gather at Santa Rosa Junior College on the territorial traditional land of the Pomo People in Santa Rosa and the Coast Miwok People in Petaluma, past and present, and honor with gratitude the land itself and the people who have stewarded it throughout the generations.
OPEN FORUM: Not to exceed 3 min. per person and 10 min. per topic. Time may be extended by the President or by approval of two-thirds of Senators present. To be added to the queue for Open Forum, please fill out the Open Forum Form and submit it to the Academic Senate's Administrative Assistant before the meeting. Options for delivering your public comment include making your own statement or asking a colleague to read your statement when recognized, or emailing your statement in advance to Academic. Senate to be read by the Administrative Assistant.
MINUTES (3:30-3:40): Correction/Adoption
DRAFT Minutes of December 6, 2023
ADJUSTMENTS TO THE AGENDA: Any senator may move any Consent item to the Action agenda to allow for discussion.
REPORTS (3:40 – 3:45):
President's Report - N. Persons, 5 min.
AS President's Report to Academic Senate
CONSENT Treated collectively as one Action item. Any senator may move any Consent item to the Action agenda to allow for discussion.
ACTION: Items must come from the Discussion agenda of a previous meeting or be carried over from a previous Action agenda.
DISCUSSION (3:45-5:00):
- Strategic Plan Objective to Strategy 1 Goal - 20 min.
At its meeting of May 17, 2023, the Academic Senate voted 12-11 to recommend a revision of Strategic Plan Objective 1 to the Goal and then recommended adoption of the Goals and Objectives to the Plan with this revision. The recommendation to revise the objective language was subsequently rejected outright by the District as communicated by the former Superintendent/President. However, 10+1 items of mutual consent should be worked out between the Academic Senate and the District. Senators are asked to consider whether any further action or recommendations in this regard are desired.
Minutes of May 17, 2023 (see Action Item 2, which begins mid-page 3
Dr. Chong email response May 22, 2023
BREAK (4:05-4:10) - 5 min.
2. Resolution in Support of Trans Students - S. Avasthi, 15 min.
At its meeting of December 6, 2023, Senator Avasthi read a draft resolution in support of SRJC trans students. Senators are asked to consider whether to take action to approve this resolution.
Resolution to Support Trans Students
3. Task Force Standard Language - 15 min.
The Academic Senate has been making effective use of workgroups (task forces) to bring draft proposals to the body. During discussions, time has routinely been needed to determine guidelines for size, membership, and selection. Senators are asked to consider the draft guidelines below and whether some version of this could be used regularly when formation of workgroups is called for.
4. Faculty Professional Ethics Committee - 20 min.
On May 17, 2023, the Academic Senate voted to approve all revisions to the Bylaws. During this revision, the body elected to remove the Faculty Professional Ethics Committee from the list of senate subcommittees. It is recommended that the body make a formal recommendation regarding the disposition of this subcommittee.
ADJOURNMENT: 5:00 p.m.
FALL 2023
December 6, 2023 Academic Senate Meeting
LOCATION: 4638 Bertolini Senate Chambers (Santa Rosa) and 690 Richard Call Building (Petaluma)
ZOOM Recording: Please note, opening of the meeting was not recorded and it picks up after the reading of the Land Acknowledgment.
CALL TO ORDER, 3:15 p.m.
We acknowledge that we gather at Santa Rosa Junior College on the territorial traditional land of the Pomo People in Santa Rosa and the Coast Miwok People in Petaluma, past and present, and honor with gratitude the land itself and the people who have stewarded it throughout the generations.
OPEN FORUM: Not to exceed 3 min. per person and 10 min. per topic. Time may be extended by the President or by approval of two-thirds of Senators present. To be added to the queue for Open Forum, please fill out the Open Forum Form and submit it to the Academic Senate's Administrative Assistant before the meeting. Options for delivering your public comment include making your own statement or asking a colleague to read your statement when recognized, or emailing your statement in advance to Academic. Senate to be read by the Administrative Assistant.
MINUTES (3:30-3:40): Correction/Adoption.
ADJUSTMENTS TO THE AGENDA: Any senator may move any Consent item to the Action agenda to allow for discussion.
REPORTS (3:40 – 3:50):
President's Report (click below for document) – N. Persons
Petaluma Faculty Forum – J. Stover, proxy for M. Martin
CONSENT Treated collectively as one Action item. Any senator may move any Consent item to the Action agenda to allow for discussion.
ACTION (3:50-4:10): Items must come from the Discussion agenda of a previous meeting or be carried over from a previous Action agenda.
Guided Pathways Workplan and District Leadership– J. Stover, M. Long, 20 min.
Senators are asked to review the Guided Pathways Workplan. Guided Pathways is an area of mutual agreement between the District and the Academic Senate. Senators are asked to consider whether or not to vote to endorse the plan, or to take no action. Secondly, senators are asked to acknowledge that the superintendent/president’s task force successfully completed its task.
- Introduction to Guided Pathways Workplan
- Guided Pathways Workplan
- Guided Pathways Discussion/Action at Academic Senate 2022-23 Academic Year
- Guided Pathways Update Email from Superintendent/President Garcia
BREAK 5 min. (4:10 – 4:15)
DISCUSSION (4:15-5:00):
- Guided Pathways Report – N. Persons, 10 min.
The Guided Pathways Report of October 18th is brought back here, at the request of a senator, for discussion.
October Guided Pathways Report
- Institutional Learning Outcomes Report on Data - J. Smotherman, 20 min.
Dr. Smotherman, Senior Director, Institutional Effectiveness, Research, Institutional Research (IERP), will give a presentation of SRJC’s ILOs. Such presentation is important evidence showing that we are meeting accreditation standards related to continuous improvement through the use of outcome data. Senators are asked to consider how the results may inform our practice.
- Strategic Plan Goals and Objectives Strategy 1: Academic Quality – N. Persons, 15 min.
At the May 17, 2023 meeting of the Academic Senate, the body voted to recommend by a count of 12 “Yes” and 11 “No” a verbiage change to the Strategic Plan Strategy 1: Academic Quality Objective 1. This recommendation was rejected by the District without further senate consultation. This issue falls under the ASCCC 10+1 #10: “Processes for institutional planning and budget development,” an area of mutual agreement. After consulting with our ASCCC coach, we determined that this issue should be revisited. Senators are asked to consider whether or not to take further action.
Minutes of the May 17, 2023 Academic Senate
ADJOURNMENT: 5:00 p.m.
November 15, 2023 Academic Senate Meeting
LOCATION: 4638 Bertolini Senate Chambers (Santa Rosa) and 690 Richard Call Building (Petaluma)
ZOOM Recording: Please note, opening of the meeting was not recorded and it picks up after the reading of the Land Acknowledgment.
CALL TO ORDER, 3:15 p.m.
We acknowledge that we gather at Santa Rosa Junior College on the territorial traditional land of the Pomo People in Santa Rosa and the Coast Miwok People in Petaluma, past and present, and honor with gratitude the land itself and the people who have stewarded it throughout the generations.
OPEN FORUM: Not to exceed 3 min. per person and 10 min. per topic. Time may be extended by the President or by approval of two-thirds of Senators present. To be added to the queue for Open Forum, please fill out the Open Forum Form and submit it to the Academic Senate's Administrative Assistant before the meeting. Options for delivering your public comment include making your own statement or asking a colleague to read your statement when recognized, or emailing your statement in advance to the Academic Senate at dstuebner@santarosa.edu, to be read by the Administrative Assistant.
MINUTES: Correction / adoption.
Minutes of November 1, 2023 will be on the agenda for December 6, 2023
ADJUSTMENTS TO THE AGENDA: Any senator may move any Consent item to the Action agenda to allow for discussion.
REPORTS (3:30 – 3:35):
- President’s Report – N. Persons (Report will be in written form only, President Persons is en route to Plenary)
- District Online Committee (DOC) – T. Jacobson, L. Beach, 5 min.
CONSENT (3:35 – 3:40): Treated collectively as one Action item. Any senator may move any Consent item to the Action agenda to allow for discussion.
Resolution in support of changing ESL course prefix
Consent Item description and resolution text
ACTION: Items must come from the Discussion agenda of a previous meeting or be carried over from a previous Action agenda.
DISCUSSION (3:40 – 4:20):
- Guided Pathways Workplan and District Leadership– J. Stover, M. Long, 20 min.
Senators are asked to review the Guided Pathways Workplan. Guided Pathways is an area of mutual agreement between the District and the Academic Senate. Shall the AS acknowledge that the task force successfully completed its task?
Introduction to Guided Pathways Workplan
Guided Pathways Discussion/Action at Academic Senate 2022-23 Academic Year
Guided Pathways Update Email from Superintendent/President Garcia
BREAK 5 min. (4:00-4:05)
- Option A Local GE Pattern – K. Blackwell, 15 min.
The form for completion of the Option A Local GE Pattern includes a statement restricting the use of courses within the same discipline for purposes of satisfying the local General Education (GE) pattern. No one is sure where this restriction originated, and counselors are regularly petitioning on behalf of students to allow exceptions. Senators are asked to consider the removal of this restriction from the form and to cease this practice.
INFORMATION (4:20 - 5:00)
- Banner Update – K. Snyder, D. Webb, J. Miramontes, M. Vidaurri, and J. Watterson, K. Jolley, 15 min.
- Classified Senate 9+1 – D. Weatherly, 10 min.
Informational update on the Classified Senate 9+1 , which is being codified at the state level and locally.
- Proposed Standard Language for Task Forces/Work Groups – L. Aspinall, 10 min.
ADJOURNMENT: 5:00 p.m.
NOVEMBER 1, 2023
LOCATION: 4638 Bertolini Senate Chambers and 628 Call (Petaluma)
CALL TO ORDER: 3:15 p.m.
LAND ACKNOWLEDGEMENT: We acknowledge that we gather at Santa Rosa Junior College on the territorial traditional land of the Pomo People in Santa Rosa and the Coast Miwok People in Petaluma, past and present, and honor with gratitude the land itself and the people who have stewarded it throughout the generations.
OPEN FORUM: Not to exceed 3 min. per person and 10 min. per topic. Time may be extended by the President or by approval of two-thirds of Senators present. To be added to the queue for Open Forum, please fill out the Open Forum Form and submit it to the Academic Senate's Administrative Assistant before the meeting. Options for delivering your public comment include making your own statement or asking a colleague to read your statement when recognized, or emailing your statement in advance to guser556@santarosa.edu, to be read by the Administrative Assistant.
MINUTES (3:30 – 3:35): Correction / adoption.
ADJUSTMENTS TO THE AGENDA: Any senator may move any Consent item to the Action agenda to allow for discussion.
REPORTS (3:35 – 3:45):
- President’s Report – N. Persons, 5 min.
- ISSC Report – M. Hale, M. Long, 5 min.
CONSENT: Treated collectively as one Action item. Any senator may move any Consent item to the Action agenda to allow for discussion.
ACTION (3:45 – 4:00): Items must come from the Discussion agenda of a previous meeting or be carried over from a previous Action agenda.
Peer Online Course Review (POCR) –15 min.
At the October 4th meeting, the body approved a motion calling for the Academic Senate to establish a task force with the purposes of establishing a POCR process as drawn from the sample POCR pilot process already presented to us and referenced below (see document below for details). Senators are now asked to consider the following: what recommendations does the body have for the composition of the task force and who shall make the selections.
BREAK (4:00 – 4:05)
DISCUSSION: (4:05 – 5:00)
1. Generative Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Student Success: Policy Recommendations – 20 min.
Generative AI has arrived and is actively being used by students and faculty in higher education. How will we approach Generative AI at SRJC to provide faculty support for instructional design and ensure student success in the effective and ethical use of this technology? What policy/procedure, faculty professional development, and other efforts are needed? What recommendations might we make to the District, and what support might we want from the District?
2. Faculty Evaluations – 20 min.
California Education Code Section 87610.1, Section 87663, and Section 87664 identify faculty evaluations as an area of shared purview for academic senates and bargaining agents, and that the bargaining agent has the right to negotiate the specific contract language for the process, but only with the input of the academic senate. According to the Board agenda of September 12, the All Faculty Association (AFA) and District have reopened Article 14A and 14B: Evaluations, stating they “have an interest in a fair and effective evaluation process, making changes that would improve the clarity or process. The District and AFA have an interest in negotiating the effects of recent legislation Amending Title 5 of the California Code of Regulations, to Include Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Accessibility Standards in the Evaluation and Tenure Review of District Employees.” In addition, the AFA side letter on Faculty Self-evaluations was extended through the fall 2023 semester. Finally, the Academic Senate has received faculty requests to discuss how faculty evaluation reviews are conducted in different modalities. What shall the Academic Senate’s recommendations be in these areas?
- ASCCC Paper: Sound Principles for Faculty Evaluation
- DEIA Competence Criteria
- DEIA Guidance Memo
- Form 400 Regulation Text DEIA Evaluation and Tenure Review
- AFA Contract Article 14A
- AFA Contract Article 14B
- AFA Side Letter on Regular Continuing Evaluations (includes Self-evaluation)
Relevant Sections of California Ed Code:
3. Guided Pathways Update Report - 10 min.
At the meeting of October 18, a senator requested that the Guided Pathways Report be added to the Discussion Agenda for this meeting.
ADJOURNMENT: 5:00 p.m.
OCTOBER 18, 2023
LOCATION: 4638 Bertolini Senate Chambers and 628 Call (Petaluma)
FULL AGENDA (PDF) HERE (updated 10-16-2023)
CALL TO ORDER: 3:15 p.m.
LAND ACKNOWLEDGEMENT: We acknowledge that we gather at Santa Rosa Junior College on the territorial traditional land of the Pomo People in Santa Rosa and the Coast Miwok People in Petaluma, past and present, and honor with gratitude the land itself and the people who have stewarded it throughout the generations.
OPEN FORUM: Not to exceed 3 min. per person and 10 min. per topic. Time may be extended by the President or by approval of two-thirds of Senators present. To be added to the queue for Open Forum, please fill out the Open Forum Form and submit it to the Academic Senate's Administrative Assistant before the meeting. Options for delivering your public comment include making your own statement or asking a colleague to read your statement when recognized, or emailing your statement in advance to guser556@santarosa.edu, to be read by the Administrative Assistant.
- President's Report - N. Persons, 5 min.
- Guided Pathways Report - J. Stover, M. Long, 5 min.
- Peer Online Course Review (POCR) - L. Beach, 15 min. At our last meeting, the body approved a motion calling for the Academic Senate to establish a task force with the purposes of establishing a POCR process as drawn from the sample POCR pilot process already presented to us and referenced below (see document for details). Senators are now asked to consider the following: what recommendations does the body have for the composition of the task force and who shall make the selections.
POCR Task Force Motion Approved 10-4-23
2. Senate Goals 2023-24 - 15 min.
Senate Goals and Priorities - From Retreat Aug. 25, 2023
BREAK (4:15-4:20)
1. Generative Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Student Success: Policy Recommendations - 15 min.
Generative AI has arrived and is actively being used by students and faculty in higher education. How will we approach Generative AI at SRJC to provide faculty support for instructional design and ensure student success in the effective and ethical use of this technology? What policy/procedure, faculty professional development, and other efforts are needed? What recommendations might we make to the District, and what support might we want from the District?
Faculty Evaluations - 20 min.
California Education Code Section 87610.1, Section 87663, and Section 87664 identify faculty evaluations as an area of shared purview for academic senates and bargaining agents, and that the bargaining agent has the right to negotiate the specific contract language for the process, but only with the input of the Academic Senate. According to the Board agenda of September 12, the All Faculty Association (AFA) and District have reopened Article 14A and 14B: Evaluations, stating they “have an interest in a fair and effective evaluation process, making changes that would improve the clarity or process. The District and AFA have an interest in negotiating the effects of recent legislation Amending Title 5 of the California Code of Regulations, to Include Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Accessibility Standards in the Evaluation and Tenure Review of District Employees.” In addition, the AFA side letter on Faculty Self-evaluations was extended through the fall 2023 semester. Finally, the Academic Senate has received faculty requests to discuss how faculty evaluation reviews are conducted in different modalities. What shall the Academic Senate’s recommendations be in these areas?
Cal. Ed Code Section 87663 (PDF of Section)
Sound Principles for Faculty Evaluation (PDF of ASCCC paper)
Form 400 Regulation Text DEIA Evaluation and Tenure Review
AFA Side Letter on Regular Continuing Evaluations (includes Self-evaluation)
OCTOBER 4, 2023
LOCATION: 4638 Bertolini Senate Chambers and 628 Call (Petaluma)
CALL TO ORDER: 3:15 p.m.
LAND ACKNOWLEDGEMENT: We acknowledge that we gather at Santa Rosa Junior College on the territorial traditional land of the Pomo People in Santa Rosa and the Coast Miwok People in Petaluma, past and present, and honor with gratitude the land itself and the people who have stewarded it throughout the generations.
OPEN FORUM: Not to exceed 3 min. per person and 10 min. per topic. Time may be extended by the President or by approval of two-thirds of Senators present. To be added to the queue for Open Forum, please fill out the Open Forum Form and submit it to the Academic Senate's Administrative Assistant before the meeting. Options for delivering your public comment include making your own statement or asking a colleague to read your statement when recognized, or emailing your statement in advance to guser556@santarosa.edu, to be read by the Administrative Assistant.
Minutes of September 20, 2023 (for review, but not for vote until October 18 meeting)
- President's Report - N. Persons, 5 min.
- Professional Development Coordinators Report - A. Donegan, A. Forrester, 5 min.
Overview of New Faculty Learning Program
- Peer Online Course Review (POCR) - L. Beach, 20 min.
At the recommendation of the Academic Senate last year, SRJC has joined the California Virtual College (CVC) as both a home and teaching college. Implementation is beginning. All Teaching Colleges in the CVC are required to have a POCR process. The Office of Distance Education seeks Academic Senate recommendation regarding how to proceed.
1. Senate Goals 2023-24 - 15 min.
The Academic Senate identified ongoing and anticipated topics for deliberation at its fall retreat on August 25, 2023. The Academic Senate now needs use these as it identifies priorities to address during the 2023-24 academic year.
Senate Goals and Priorities - From Retreat Aug. 25, 2023
2. Generative Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Student Success: Policy Recommendations - 15 min.
Generative AI has arrived and is actively being used by students and faculty in higher education. How will we approach Generative AI at SRJC to provide faculty support for instructional design and ensure student success in the effective and ethical use of this technology? What policy/procedure, faculty professional development, and other efforts are needed? What recommendations might we make to the District, and what support might we want from the District?
3. Faculty Evaluations - 20 min.
According to the Board agenda of September 12, the All Faculty Association (AFA) and District have reopened Article 14A and 14B: Evaluations, stating they “have an interest in a fair and effective evaluation process, making changes that would improve the clarity or process. The District and AFA have an interest in negotiating the effects of recent legislation Amending Title 5 of the California Code of Regulations, to Include Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Accessibility Standards in the Evaluation and Tenure Review of District Employees.” In addition, the AFA side letter on Faculty Self-evaluations was extended through the fall 2023 semester. Finally, the Academic Senate has received faculty requests to discuss how faculty evaluation reviews are conducted in different modalities. What shall the Academic Senate’s recommendations be in these areas?
Form 400 Regulation Text DEIA Evaluation and Tenure Review
AFA Side Letter on Regular Continuing Evaluations (includes Self-evaluation)
SEPTEMBER 20, 2023
LOCATION: 4638 Bertolini Senate Chambers and 628 Call (Petaluma)
CALL TO ORDER: 3:15 p.m.
LAND ACKNOWLEDGEMENT: We acknowledge that we gather at Santa Rosa Junior College on the territorial traditional land of the Pomo People in Santa Rosa and the Coast Miwok People in Petaluma, past and present, and honor with gratitude the land itself and the people who have stewarded it throughout the generations.
OPEN FORUM: Not to exceed 3 min. per person and 10 min. per topic. Time may be extended by the President or by approval of two-thirds of Senators present. To be added to the queue for Open Forum, please fill out the Open Forum Form and submit it to the Academic Senate's Administrative Assistant before the meeting. Options for delivering your public comment include making your own statement or asking a colleague to read your statement when recognized, or emailing your statement in advance to guser556@santarosa.edu, to be read by the Administrative Assistant.
- President's Report - N. Persons, 5 min.
- ZTC Grant Update - J. Carlin-Goldberg, 5 min.
ZTC Grant information to project
1. Wait Lists - 15 min.
New Support Document:
CCLC Inquiry Re: Wait List Policy and Procedure
Historical Support Documents from 2019 Workgroup:
Waitlist Policy 3.14.5 Strikethrough
2. District Educational Plan - R. Holcomb, 15 min.
VPAA R. Holcomb brings this request for consideration of a work group to create a new District Educational Plan from the Planning and Budget Council (PBC). Senators voted at the last meeting to recommend the number of faculty and the criteria for selection. Senators are now asked to consider who shall select the faculty and the timeline for the workgroup.
Educational Master Plan PBC Discussion May 2023
1. Peer Online Course Review (POCR) - L. Beach, 20 min.
At the recommendation of the Academic Senate last year, SRJC has joined the California Virtual College (CVC) as both a home and teaching college. Implementation is beginning. All Teaching Colleges in the CVC are required to have a POCR process. The Office of Distance Education seeks Academic Senate recommendation regarding how to proceed.
2. Senate Goals 2023-24 - 20 min.
Senate Goals and Priorities - From Retreat Aug. 25, 2023
LOCATION: 4638 Bertolini Senate Chambers and 628 Call (Petaluma)
CALL TO ORDER: 3:15 p.m.
LAND ACKNOWLEDGEMENT: We acknowledge that we gather at Santa Rosa Junior College on the territorial traditional land of the Pomo People in Santa Rosa and the Coast Miwok People in Petaluma, past and present, and honor with gratitude the land itself and the people who have stewarded it throughout the generations.
OPEN FORUM: Not to exceed 3 min. per person and 10 min. per topic. Time may be extended by the President or by approval of two-thirds of Senators present. To be added to the queue for Open Forum, please fill out the Open Forum Form and submit it to the Academic Senate's Administrative Assistant before the meeting. Options for delivering your public comment include making your own statement or asking a colleague to read your statement when recognized, or emailing your statement in advance to guser556@santarosa.edu, to be read by the Administrative Assistant.
- President's Report - N. Persons, 5 min.
1. Wait Lists - L. Aspinall, 20 min.
The Academic Senate needs to establish a work group to revisit and revise SRJC Wait List policy and procedure and bring a proposed revision to the AS for recommendation to the District. Work was previously done in 2019 but was not brought to conclusion. Senators will be asked to consider the number of faculty, criteria for selection, timeline for this work, and who shall select the faculty.
Waitlist Policy 3.14.5 Strikethrough
CCLC Inquiry Re: Wait List Policy and Procedure
2. District Educational Plan - R. Holcomb, 20 min.
VPAA R. Holcomb brings this request for consideration for faculty participation on a work group to create a new District Educational Plan from the Planning and Budget Council (PBC). Senators will be asked to consider the number of faculty, criteria for selection, timeline for this work, and who shall select the faculty.
Educational Master Plan PBC Discussion May 2023
1. Peer Online Course Review (POCR) - L. Beach, 20 min. At the recommendation of the Academic Senate last year, SRJC has joined the California Virtual College (CVC) as both a home and teaching college. Implementation is beginning. All Teaching Colleges in the CVC are required to have a POCR process. The Office of Distance Education seeks Academic Senate recommendation regarding how to proceed.
2. Senate Goals 2023-24
Senate Goals and Priorities - From Retreat Aug. 25, 2023
AUGUST 25, 2023
LOCATION: Doyle Library, 4th floor reading room
AUGUST 16, 2023
LOCATION: Room 4638, Bertolini Senate Chambers, Santa Rosa Campus; Room 628 in the Call Building, Petaluma Campus
LAND ACKNOWLEDGEMENT STATEMENT: We acknowledge that we gather at Santa Rosa Junior College on the territorial traditional land of the Pomo People in Santa Rosa and the Coast Miwok People in Petaluma, past and present, and honor with gratitude the land itself and the people who have stewarded it throughout the generations.
OPEN FORUM: Not to exceed 3 min. per person and 10 min. per topic. Time may be extended by the President or by approval of two-thirds of Senators present. To be added to the queue for Open Forum, please fill out the Open Forum Form and submit it to the Academic Senate's Administrative Assistant before the meeting. Options for delivering your public comment include making your own statement or asking a colleague to read your statement when recognized, or emailing your statement in advance to guser556@santarosa.edu, to be read by the Administrative Assistant.
- President's Report - N. Persons, 5 min.
- Curriculum Review Committee - A. Foster, 5 min.
3. Superintendent/President Welcome - A. Garcia, 5 min.
- Wait Lists - L. Aspinall, 20 min.
The Academic Senate needs to establish a work group to revisit and revise SRJC Wait List policy and procedure and bring a proposed revision to the AS for recommendation to the District. Work was previously done in 2019 but was not brought to conclusion. Senators will be asked to consider the number of faculty, criteria for selection, timeline for this work, and who shall select the faculty.
Waitlist Procedure 3.14.5P Strikethrough
Waitlist Policy 3.14.5 Strikethrough
BREAK: 5 min.
2. District Educational Plan - R. Holcomb, 20 min.
VPAA R. Holcomb brings this request for consideration for faculty participation on a work group to create a new District Educational Plan from the Planning and Budget Council (PBC). Senators will be asked to consider the number of faculty, criteria for selection, timeline for this work, and who shall select the faculty.
Educational Master Plan PBC Discussion May 2023
INFORMATION: (4:50 - 5:00)
- Accreditation Follow Up Report Draft - R. Holcomb, 10 min.
SRJC Accreditation Follow Up Report - DRAFT - 8-14-2023
- Open Forum Statements – remote?
- CRC Course Conflict - CS/BUS
- Artificial Intelligence - Policy/Procedure
- Procedure 4.3.2P (following HR response) – Fall 2023
- SRJC Option A Local Degrees
- Disposition of Professional Ethic Committee (Senate subcommittee) – Fall 2023
- Faculty Professional Development Committee (Senate subcommittee) – Fall 2023
- ACCJC Annual Report 2023 – Associate Degrees and Transfers data
- College Council Shared Governance Reorganization
- Stagger ASEC officer terms – Fall 2023
- Review/assess senate goals, general work from 2022-23 – for fall Retreat
- Trans athlete policies (KAD)